PIFs are promoted to Qualifying Investors subject to (which rules also apply to AIFs and Notified AIFs promoted to Qualifying Investors):
- a minimum investment threshold of EUR 100,000; and
- declares in writing to the manager and the PIF, AIF or Notified AIF that it is aware of an accepts the risks associated with the proposed investment; and
- meets one or more of the following criteria:
- a body corporate which has net assets in excess of EUR 750,000 or which is part of a group which has net assets in excess of EUR 750,000 (or in each case the equivalent in any other currency);
- an unincorporated body of persons or association which has net assets in excess of EUR 750,000 (or the equivalent in any other currency);
- a trust where the net value of the trust’s assets is in excess of EUR 750,000 (or the equivalent in any other currency);
- an individual whose net worth or joint net worth with that person’s spouse or civil partner, exceeds EUR 750,000 (or the equivalent in any other currency);
- a senior employee or Director of Service Providers to the PIF, AIF or Notified AIF.