Where none of the above conditions are satisfied, it is still possible for dividends derived from such participating holding to benefit from the participation exemption provided the following 2 conditions are both satisfied:
- the holding by the Malta company in the foreign company must not be a portfolio investment; and
- the body of persons not resident in Malta must have been subject to any foreign tax rate of at least 5%.
Please note that the conditions for participating holding do not include a minimum holding period. The only exception is where the holding in the foreign company is less than 10% and the Malta company holds the minimum substantial investment of € 1,164,000.
It is also worth mentioning that the exemption from Malta income tax extends to income or gains derived from a permanent establishment, including a branch which is situated outside Malta of a Malta company.
[1] ‘Property company’ shall mean a company which owns immovable property in Malta or any rights over such property, or a company which holds directly or indirectly shares or other interests in any entity or person which owns immovable property in Malta or any rights over such property.